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Software to overlay separate videos to analyze laps

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I've seen this on Downhill skiing on TV sometimes. They take the fastest skier and then overlay other runs to show where a competitor lost time.

I've started searching around for a video player that would allow you to do this and haven't found exactly what I'm looking for just.

The only thing I've seen is Sony Video editing software that may let you merge two video's into a single video. However, I don't want to have to edit video just to do this.

Plus it'd would be nice to have the feature of taking say a youtube video and overlaying it with your own video if you happened to travel to the same track.

I'm a .Net developer and I played around a few minutes in WPF and looks like I may be able to create something to do this.

However, I wanted to check to see if there is anything like this out there that others are already using.



#LS-378 - So many Porsche's, so little time....
The only thing I've seen close to this is the GPS based logging systems that overlay icons over a graphic map of the track. This is not with using live recorded video though....


Because racecar.
Arizona, USA
Closest I've been able to come to this is to do picture-in-picture, then resize both videos so they are equal size.


What software are you Using to do this? Also, with what you're doing, you've got to try and get your times right in both videos and you're stuck with what you've got, correct?

So in this scenario if you were quite a bit slower, or faster, you have no way to change the times on each video. In what you sent, if the pro got more than a turn or two ahead, then you can't fast for the joe video to catch up to do a segment by segment analysis, correct?

Or maybe an even better approach, are there anythings you wish you could do that you can't with your current methods?



Because racecar.
Arizona, USA
That is in Pinnacle Studio 12. I'm not thrilled with that editing software. Yes, using this method you have to sync up manually.

What I would REALLY like is a Traqmate Video setup that automatically overlays the data to the video and turns on/off easily...however I'd rather spend that money on track tires.


Lord knows I'm a Voodoo Child
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W2W Racing
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10-20 Years
Cookeville TN
ArizonaGT said:
That is in Pinnacle Studio 12. I'm not thrilled with that editing software. Yes, using this method you have to sync up manually.

What I would REALLY like is a Traqmate Video setup that automatically overlays the data to the video and turns on/off easily...however I'd rather spend that money on track tires.
Traqmate HD is a pretty cool tool and I really believe it can help you improve by understanding where you are quick and where time can be gained. The analysis software has mucho information and the video sync with data helps as well. What I like is the real time comparison on track showing how much ahead or behind you are over a lap vs your best. Still trying to get the most out of it after 1/2 a season. Worth the $1400 to me.
What I'm talking about is not editing software, it's a video player to allow you to overlay different videos. Say you went to Laguna Seca, you got your laps. You wanted to edit your fastest and slowest laps out and then see the difference.

Or you wanted to take your fastest and compare it to somebody elses you found on youtube. (If I can tie into YouTube).

Or technically you could run an entire video without editing I suppose.

The overlay, you're speaking of you can actually do with Harry's lap timer or TrackMate for droid, correct?

I have TrackMaster for the droid and it's decent but with my phone, the video capture has a problem.
steveespo said:
What I like is the real time comparison on track showing how much ahead or behind you are over a lap vs your best.

I actually have a garmin on my mountain bike that does that as well. I don't think it works realtime like you describe TraqMate. If you have something that records GPS lat/lon's during the laps in a central format, what I'm talking about could also be used to show animations as well.

The reason I'm thinking about all this, is because the goal is to have something people can use without spending $1,400. Of course it wouldn't be a replacement for TraqMate, but for those who use Harry's or TrackMaster, what I'm talking about may be a way overlay the videos from those devices.

Of course the app could probably allow you to choose to overlay and set the opacity of multiple videos or display them side by side or top and bottom etc.

This is with Trackmaster on a Droid and a GoPro using Trackvision editing software. The syning up of the video and data takes a lot of patience.

I haven't watched that video in a while. It's from my first month of tracking in my GT500, 150 more HP and 20 seconds slower than my Boss. But you can't beat the sound of the blower. ;D
steveespo said:
ArizonaGT said:
That is in Pinnacle Studio 12. I'm not thrilled with that editing software. Yes, using this method you have to sync up manually.

What I would REALLY like is a Traqmate Video setup that automatically overlays the data to the video and turns on/off easily...however I'd rather spend that money on track tires.
Traqmate HD is a pretty cool tool and I really believe it can help you improve by understanding where you are quick and where time can be gained. The analysis software has mucho information and the video sync with data helps as well. What I like is the real time comparison on track showing how much ahead or behind you are over a lap vs your best. Still trying to get the most out of it after 1/2 a season. Worth the $1400 to me.

I agree with Steve. I have an AIM system, and I have learned way more from that than I would by just burning through 5 sets of new tires.
TrackMaster now records video along with data. It will overlay data to the video now without special editing to my understanding.

However, there appears to be some problems with certain phones getting video. I have a Verizon Thunderbolt and TrackMaster can't start a recording.

If I have time, I'll try to put together a concept of what I'm talking about and maybe post it.


Because racecar.
Arizona, USA
frosty said:
TrackMaster now records video along with data. It will overlay data to the video now without special editing to my understanding.

However, there appears to be some problems with certain phones getting video. I have a Verizon Thunderbolt and TrackMaster can't start a recording.

If I have time, I'll try to put together a concept of what I'm talking about and maybe post it.

I tried this on one of Trackmaster's earlier revisions, and the video didn't start at the start/finish line, it started at the first split marker AFTER start/finish, which was effectively useless for me. Also the video came out all stretched into some weird aspect ratio, despite my phone shooting video clearly in 16:9 in regular camera mode.

Trackmaster may have corrected this by now but I haven't had a chance to try it.


Because racecar.
Arizona, USA
smittytx said:
I agree with Steve. I have an AIM system, and I have learned way more from that than I would by just burning through 5 sets of new tires.

I understand and agree with what you guys are saying, but right now the budget either lets me buy tires and do the track day, or buy the traqmate setup and have no money left to buy tires go to the track day :)

It's on my list. I'm getting "cheap" data from my phone now.
ArizonaGT said:
smittytx said:
I agree with Steve. I have an AIM system, and I have learned way more from that than I would by just burning through 5 sets of new tires.

I understand and agree with what you guys are saying, but right now the budget either lets me buy tires and do the track day, or buy the traqmate setup and have no money left to buy tires go to the track day :)

It's on my list. I'm getting "cheap" data from my phone now.
The $189 QStarz GPS system gives you a discount on Dashware so you can download it for $39.
Here's a rough concept of what I'm referring too.


I think I'd need to let a user change the Opacity of each video. The user can drag the videos around on the screen anywhere they like.

There would need to be a way to advance each video separately and then a functionality to stop, start each video syncrhounously.
email F1 or WRC video editing teams lol

I've never seen a video editing tool that has advertised that, but google-ing will eventually point you somewhere useful.
If you want to edit, Sony Vega and others I think you let you edit two videos into one to do what I'm talking about.

However, I'm talking about a player not editing software. You'll need editing most likely for what I'm talking about.

Your response is kind of my point, if I have to contact some of those companies, I got a feeling this functionality won't be cheap.

I'm going to play around with some ideas.

My simple concept help me see I lost probably .6 a second off a autox start in my slowest run to my fastest run.

I was experimenting starting off in 2nd and 1st and with something like this, I immediately know which one was the right approach.
Ah! I see what you are looking for. That would be very cool it it was available at at reasonable price. Be VERY interested if you find something.
I've got it worked out with a windows application. However, I'm trying give it the functionality to allow user to stream with a video on YouTube. That's proving to be a tougher challenge.

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