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Riots in DC

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2020 wasn't as bad as everyone says if you turn off the TV and focus on you and your loved ones. The sky has been falling for 100 years, but it hasn't came down yet. I am disappointed in the way elected officials and some (emphasis on some) citizens are acting, but I can't control that. Focus on what you can control and enjoy yourself and loved ones.

Mad Hatter

Gotta go Faster
Santiago, Chile
If you are either to the left, center, or right of the political spectrum, no one can be happy with what we all saw on TV yesterday.... Only the people in pointy white hats or the hammer and cycle crowd could have enjoyed that staining of a building that's admired around the world for what it stands for.

Truly a sad day for the USA and the rest of the Free World.


Spending my pension on car parts and track fees.
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10-20 Years
If you are either to the left, center, or right of the political spectrum, no one can be happy with what we all saw on TV yesterday
I CAN!!!!!! I watched the Motor Trend Channel!!!!!
If you stop watching the circus, the clowns will find real work.
If anyone is at Homestead this weekend or Sebring next week, we're running 6 cars for Phoenix so stop by.

I don't know why that girl's photo sticks with me? I guess because I love my wife as much as that guy loved sad

Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
going to hunt through Amazon and Netflicks for something decent to watch... liked 1917.

I’ve been waiting for that (1917) to show up on one of the half-dozen streaming services that I’ve been duped into signing up for. Showtime isn’t one of them.

I don't know why that girl's photo sticks with me? I guess because I love my wife as much as that guy loved sad

Yesterday was a sad event and not because that woman died. Sorry.
Like most people I feel bad seeing any family go through a loss and I will say a prayer for that woman and her family. But respectfully, I have trouble seeing how it's anyone fault but her own. If you have any respect for law and order at all, you can't be breaking into the heart of Capital Hill, trying to over-run armed guards, and then act surprised at the result. Lots of people in this country have died at the hands of law enforcement for far less.

I tend to lean a little right politically, not that any of you care but I say that because no matter your political views, we just have to get away from indulging in all these crazy, constant, epic meltdowns and utter outrage anytime we disagree with someone or don't get what we want politically. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Not every person who disagrees with you or votes different or has had a different life experience is a traitor, a liar, a cheat, or needs to be locked up. The crazy constant anger has gotten totally out of hand and it's a problem all around for sure. But the fact is we have had a president whose stock in trade is to purposefully stoke people's worst instincts and really rub salt in wounds for his own personal political gain and it sucks. Personally I like some of his policies but his only political strategy is to stoke division and anger. Hopefully yesterday was a bit of a wake up call about how that works out.
If anyone is at Homestead this weekend or Sebring next week, we're running 6 cars for Phoenix so stop by.

When I get the opportunity to race Eastcoast, SCCA homestead Majors is the start of my most favorite week! Homestead majors weekend, fishing the Keys, Everglades, 10K islands for the week, Sebring Majors weekend, fishing Tampa and flying out back to cali.
I’ve been waiting for that (1917) to show up on one of the half-dozen streaming services that I’ve been duped into signing up for. Showtime isn’t one of them.

Yesterday was a sad event and not because that woman died. Sorry.

It was a sad day, for many reasons, I've always put lives above politics however. I have many liberal friends, I dont use politics as an acid test of who I hang out with. There are decent, well meaning people ( at least a few) on both sides.
I love how the mainstream media paints this as a " violent right wing, pro trump mob", but an ANTIFA protest that burns down 2 square blocks of DC is " a mostly peaceful protest". Apparently, the only way to get politician's attention is to burn and loot. This is the first time conservatives have ever did this ( individual incidents aside) . Please tell me why this is..
There are advantages to being old, as I recall the Black Panthers occupied the capitol in 1967 for civil rights as well.
I found this under " firearms law".
They were actually armed and expressing both their 1A and 2A rights
This is the first time conservatives have ever did this ( individual incidents aside) . Please tell me why this is..

Because we have a president who is really good at stoking people's anger doing everything he can to stoke people's anger?

You are absolutely right, violence is wrong no matter the political view behind it.

But this incident, and for that matter this president, has very little to do with true liberal versus conservative ideas, despite all the shouting to the contrary. The wing nuts storming the Capital weren't holding flags with a political idea on them; they were holding flags with an individual person's name. It is all about one person, one individual, who will pick at any line of division for his own self interest and who isn't even very "conservative" much of the time. The Republican party of our parents left the house a long time ago. A guy like Mitt Romney probably has 10x the conservative bona fides and would have trouble filling a VFW hall with his followers.

Like him or not, the president was right when he said he could shoot a person in the middle of 5th Avenue. He is really, really good at using anger and division for his own individual political gain. And he is willing to go there, all the time. Over history there have been leaders who are one or the other but more rarely both, and when they are it tends to not end awesome.


Spending my pension on car parts and track fees.
Exp. Type
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10-20 Years
Back in the day, folks were taught to listen to their elders, that had more life experiences and "Knew the Deal". Today, folks are so focused on the internet and the faceless manipulators we no longer ask those with experience about anything. Sad.

People are so conditioned to believe what they read 10-15 times on the internet.....without simple doing their own fact checks. I stopped trying to correct family members on points of fact. Even when the correction was links to solid sources. They had "Their Sources" and therefore mine were wrong.....Of course, their source encouraged that thought process.
How many times i the last few days did you see reactions to the "First Time" the capitol was occupied?? happened before, will likely happen again. Assaulted?? Nope.
I am old enough to remember the 68 democrat convention in Chicago....barely. Cops would show up to "Protests" in riot gear. At that time the gear included a large hardwood baton which they would swing like a baseball ball. People died when struck just the right way. Then if you felt your right to protest included the right to destroy property and injure other, you had your concept changed on the spot. But today, A cop kneeling on the neck of a violent criminal attempting to escape who then died of an unknown cause is called a murder. It appears the cause of death was a self administered overdose. The Michael Brown case in Ferguson, the case In Minneapolis mentioned above and many other are now tried on the internet in hours. So much for due process, presentation of evidence etc.. I that's what the people accept, that's what they get. Activist journalism at its worst. I don't fully blame the journalist of the media. We take the bait and ask for more.
As a kid in during the Viet Nam war I wondered how we had lost the war as Krondite proclaimed. I was watching the news during Tet live where they reported we had defeated the VC and NVA regulars in hours and in less than 1% f the engagements in days. 100's of locations were attacked, battles fought and we won them all. As a child of less than 10 years, I was baffled to hear the medias agenda while watch facts they presented did not support their claims. Yep, as a child of 10, I grew to doubt what was being feed to us. Still do. Kronkite said it, it had to be fact. No one person is "That Credible".
Today, through the Magic of the internet major manipulators know your likes, dislikes, tendencies and likely your reactions to input. We are manipulated at a level never even dreamed of in the 60's outside of a few Star Trek episodes. Google left handed monkey wrenches a few times and wait for the adds on your screen to change to tool and wrench suppliers. Do it for a week and see if your email does not suddenly have business offers for investment in left handed monkey wrenches. How many of us google Mustang part of some shape or another......I know, weird right?? LOL. Our marginal ads are full of mustang related items and sources. Visit a few sites where Camaro parts are listed and watch the shift to Camaro parts in these ads.
In an industry where BILLIONS of dollars are made and zero products are delivered, EXPECT massive manipulation. I am referring to politics, not auto parts and motor sports.
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Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
This is the first time conservatives have ever did this ( individual incidents aside) . Please tell me why this is..
Pretty sure those involved weren’t ‘conservatives’ by my standards. I can echo most of the rest of your post, but simply disagree on your conclusions and what you’re trying to justify.


MSM feeds both sides and ‘facts’ get overblown regardless. But if you don’t have a problem with what happened, then check your understanding of right and wrong.

Bill Pemberton

0ld Ford Automotive Racing Terror
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Time Attack
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20+ Years
Blair, Nebraska
We have plenty of military veterans on this Forum and though I am just a military brat , I happened to be in my formative years in Germany when the Berlin Wall went up. Over the years , many of my friends were history buffs like I am, and quite a few had military backgrounds, and what we are concerned about is we have been seeing over the past decade and even more so of late, the infiltration of outside sources into American life. Take a pause , remember your High School or College history into conflict ( or military college or studies in the various service branches ) and the basic concept into winning a war...............divide and conquer. Noted above we often want to blame US companies , and yes they are complicit in certain ways, but we lost our moral and ethical compass when we silently listened to the facts that a President (even prior to his term ) telling countries to look into his foes by hacking internet sites.

We are at fault for not calling upon all parties when things like this continued , but even more so we are at fault for not screaming at the top of our lungs when recently we found out for over 9 months the Russians have hacked into our most sensitive and important services, defense fortification ( including nuclear ), etc. Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, there is no doubt in my mind while we are arguing or worried about may perceived problems we have been systematically battered by propaganda that is not from either a Democratic side or a Republican side. In fact , Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. ( I am not defending them ) has told us so over and over , with the fake sites, individuals they have found and have shut down. Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, and how easy it is with an American Internet society that no longer questions , we believe the Internet Bible as being all true.

One has to question why we are so asleep at the wheel when young children in Finland are taught in school how to be aware of Russian propaganda -- in 3rd grade!! Those of us who grew up during the Cold War understood the fear and uncertainty, but since today we are not constantly seeing tanks, warheads or missiles being raised in Cuba or along the borders of our Allies , we have become neutered to who our real enemies are. Now, we also know China , Iran , and North Korea are doing the same thing , but are we fired up when we found out our most sensitive systems defending our Country have been breached, uh, no, we are arguing about trivial things between ourselves.

We should really have had a wake up call when we think about how pleased they are in Russia, China , North Korea and more , and after the simple breaching of the sacred Capital of the US, they have to even realize how easy it might be to breach US Government offices and place something destructive. We have opened up our Democracy to our enemies , showing we are not as powerful or as controlled a Country as we portray, and they are winning more and more silent battles --- divide and conquer.

I am tired of listening to derogatory, name calling, bullying of the past years because words do matter and I do believe more than the sensitive services and secret government installations have been compromised, I believe it is also the American Psyche. We have a Pandemic of historic proportions and we are arguing over silly things like wearing a mask, whereas 20-30 years ago we would have respected each other and just done it if it might protect our friends and relatives or even strangers. Stop and look in the mirror and realize how silly this is that we are even arguing about a piece of cloth to wear when around others, and yet we are spending time arguing about this, walls along a border ( which Californians die laughing about because the crime ridden drug lords just tunnel under ), and possible changes in our government ( we seldom stop and realize how little things actually change with the passing of a Republican or Democratic President ), and we failed to see the real threat coming from outside the USA. Divide and conquer..................time to wake up, time to start using polite and correct vocabulary , and stop making assumptions.

There are tons of Americans out there who are moderate Republicans, middle of the road Democrats or just plain Independents. Many of us have always voted for who we think will do the best job, that is our only criteria, but we have to look at ourselves , the media , the internet and ask why do we only have the Radical Left or the Right Wing Conservatives now, instead of Democrats and Republicans. I firmly believe the bulk of us are more likely one or the other and not Radical and not Right Wing , but words that inflame has been part of the modus operandi over the past 4 years. Time for more civility, time for more respect , time for more awareness, and definitely time for us to be aware of the threats from outside. The pot has been stirred to make us fight among ourselves and we are blind to what would have been an act of War just a short time back. Divide and conquer, no, time for us to awaken , realize how unbelievably horrible what happened on the 6th truly was, and how we have a beast within being fed from monsters without.

I am stunned and mad about no real reaction by our current President when we found the offices of the United States were breached by our main enemy and nothing really happened , that should have been the stimulus that stopped our little differences , because the threat from outside has likely never been greater. I gasped when I heard our Nuclear deterrent systems were one of the areas compromised ------- why are we blind, that I blame on a President who has spent more time on the golf course, has not been addressing the problems of the Pandemic and has been stirring the pot among Americans instead of confronting what could be the largest threat we have ever encountered in our Country. And, yes, I am disturbed both the Democrats and Republicans in our Government are spending so much time fighting they too are blind to such a gigantic threat to our Republic.

The 6th has embarrassed us as the World's Best Democracy , but more importantly it is also a wake up call that we have been infiltrated by so much phony propaganda , we are fighting among ourselves. We are so similar when we look in the mirror, we need to come together realizing how damaging an attack on our Capital really is, and we need to awaken to the War coming from outside our borders and not let them continue to win anymore battles.

This is a great place to come to, folks respect each other , help each other and look forward to the camaraderie both on the Forum and at the track. We recognize our similarities in racing Mustangs, modding the beasts ( cosmetic or mechanical ) and many of us reflect on how lucky we truly are compared to the bulk of the World. I love this Forum , and I respect the members because we take time to joke around in a friendly manner and we assist folks without telling anyone to go look for the " Search Button." None of us are on this Planet for long, and it is a pleasure to hang with friends, accept our differences and understand the enthusiasm so many of us get from an inanimate object ---- that is another concept we could talk about for days.
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Because we have a president who is really good at stoking people's anger doing everything he can to stoke people's anger?

People fall for the Trump hate bandwagon promoted by the media. Trump has only championed improvement for better lives of Americans. This does not fit with the Globalist narrative of one world government. This is why the media has a meltdown when our US embassy moves to Jerusalem or Trump takes actions that put America 1st. Trump has done more than any president I can remember to protect the last check and balance against fast change to our lives by placing 3 originalist justices on the SCOTUS. This does not prevent change. It prevents radical change. This is his true lasting legacy. This is only a fraction of the positive he has done to make average American lives better. The guy isn't dating my daughter. I'm only interested in his results. Too many are wrapped up in emotion.

The left calls Trump an evil racist white supremacist yet Trump positively effected African Americans with the 1st step act and increased federal funding to predominatly African American colleges and universities. Here is Trump receiving the Ellis Island Award with Rosa Parks and Muhamad Ali!111.jpg
People are so conditioned to believe what they read 10-15 times on the internet.....without simple doing their own fact checks.

But today, A cop kneeling on the neck of a violent criminal attempting to escape who then died of an unknown cause is called a murder. It appears the cause of death was a self administered overdose.

Well in the interest of making sure that people aren't too inclined to believe false statements on the internet it should be noted that the chief medical examiner who examined George Floyd's body determined that the cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression," They listed arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease, fentanyl intoxication, and recent methamphetamine use as other significant conditions contributing to death. Did drugs contribute to his death, yes. Is it the sole cause as you assert? There is no medical/scientific basis for that statement.

You can read the autopsy report here:

8 minutes and 46 seconds and he was subdued and outnumbered from the second the video started. Watch the video again.
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