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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

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Today is the anniversary of the great blackout of 1965.......a lot of you don't even know what I'm talking about.....I do...........lights went out for a lot of people that evening in the northeast and even Canada.I remember sitting on the back steps of my parent's house and in awe of the quiet and darkness.........I was 9 yrs old....turning 10 Mom and Dad had candles lit inside...........
Son dropped off the boys on his way to work this AM....a very pleasant surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!.......Peanut is back to normal. Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!..........Thanks are in order for a lot of things......We have a holiday coming up for that............please use it , not just for the turkey..............................
Our fur babies are special. When they get sick or hurt we want to help but often have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it. With kids, they can at least describe the problem. Glad to see the grand fur baby is doing well.
Always Slim Pickens ( Blazing Saddles not excluded) on early Sunday Mornings!!!!!......Everybody resting up for Sunday Services.....I watch mine online.....less stressful and the restroom is closer...........The Lord works in mysterious ways the older I get...........................
Jeese-a lou.............I know that's not even close......sue me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,It's Sunday Morning........I'm around to type this and you're around to read it.........Praise the Lord for both those adventures!!!!!!!!!!!.........TMO caters to the racing crowd but it also hears the living folks like me who enjoy a Boss 302 now and then and I thank you all for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....Sermon over......................for now.................Get ready for the REAL know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Sunday everybody. Beautiful day..Sunny but COLD only 40's today...Hon's got a sermon on TV on right now.......Joel somebody????......He mentioned raising your level of awareness in life and spirit for a better you.......was He talking about lap times???????????........I'm just messing with you Boys!!!!!!!!!..............We all get religion when we need me, I've been there and it ain't good when you need all the help you can get!!!!!!!!!!!.................But somebody can help you!!!!!!!!!!...Trust Him, Not Joel on TV..........End of today's message..............I know , I crossing TMO boundaries here.......sorry.......Cowboys 17 pt favorites vs giants today..........oddsmakers are kind when they want to be........
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One last rant for now Boys...........CHERISH what you have now!!!!!!!!!!!.............Wife, Kids, Family, Friends.....the list is endless!!!!!!!!!!!!.........You never know when those things may be gone!!!...I learned many yrs ago that you can lose all that in a second!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....I just thank God for what I have now.........The giants ain't on that list....Philly rules!!!!!!!!!!!
All Eternity sounds like a long long time.........maybe Hon should change the channel..........or maybe I should go down stairs.......or take the Boss out?????????....anything but watch the giant game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............jets ain't much more NASCAR this yr.............
All right......I had the Boys here yesterday and had a great time..........I guess I'm own my own today............Me and Hon.............the honeymoon was over over 30 yrs ago.......all tho the candle still lites once in a while..............wink wink wink...............;););)

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