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Hey Boys..........Just getting back from Prayer Service (Church) I hope........I'm not here to preach.....The Lord knows I need a heap of that myself....Who's kiddin Who???/...NOBODY!!!!...Sundays are a day of rest!!!! Who am I to argue after a brutal week of retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....Boys, Boys I am in NO way making fun of you poor guys getting up every day to try and make a living....I did that for more yrs than I want to count or just do what you gotta do and be thankful you can....that's a 302BOB proverb I just invented and lived by all my life.......AMEN..........................I got a Boss302 in there somewhere and I'm still smiling..............
And another thing.............respect your elders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............Bill..........I never mentioned you......OMG He's got a gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........water pistols don't count............................
Another dreary start to the day....Clouds, rain,wet chilly, barely 50.....went out to get the paper in the was wrapped up in a tied up plastic bag but still so water logged it felt like it weighed more than me..........that's saying something folks!!!!!!!!!!!.........I'm sure it'll dry out by next July................Good thing I saved the Sunday crossword from least that's dry...I know, complaining gets you nowhere fast...........maybe I'll borrow Hon's hair dryer later after the paper stops dripping on the floor.................
No more heat wave....freeze warning in affect tonight.....growing season is gone.........It's November.........welcome to snow soon.......... I'm not lookin forward to this is putting it is what it is...I will die shoveling or I'll see another spring. and you all...........I know you put up with my stuff...........a lot...........But I got a Boss and I don't take no prisoners.......on the street where I don't want to admit.....................Sorry L.E.............L.E. has NEVER bothered me since I had the Boss..........L.E . Needs a HUGE hand clap............and so does my Guardian Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hard freeze happened over nite/this morning...27 this AM.....frost on the grass and cars.......another reason I love retirement!!!!!!!!!!....Hon picked up the boys to spend the today with "grumpy Grandpa"........It's Galaxy's Birthday today (6)...I saved him a slice of ham from the deli....Peanut got some too......They're my Boys..............For Pitt Bulls, they have a calm demeanor except if they see the mailman.........then hang on to your hats and hope for the best.............................OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TMS.......Snow is a four letter word I don't touch with a ..........anything anymore.........It looks so nice falling, but shoveling it is something I can't do anymore......Kids, now-a-days are too lazy to offer to shovel your place................I made my spending money back in the day mowing lawns in the summer and shoveling snow in the winter.........There were no video games back then.........
Dragoon..I know you like the changing seasons in WI as much as me in Ct...............winter is not why I stay here as I get argument from Hon, either...........I'll never forget the blizzard of February 1978....I went to work that morning because nothing was going on at 5AM.........back then , you didn't have all the warnings and other things you have now.The snow started after 9:30 and by 11 it was coming down bad...... That's when I left work and went to my Parent's house to put chains on my rear tires to get home.The heaviest snow I ever seen was falling!!!!!!!!!....Me and Dad got the chains on and I left a little after 12 to make it home.......a usual 15 minute ride..................Driving conditions got much worse as I drove on.....the windshield wipers couldn't keep up with the heavy snow.........I felt brave with the chains on, but I was getting scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!............I finally got off the exit on the highway.........after 2 hrs!!!!!!!!!....only to be in a line of cars waiting to go up a hilly street I needed to travel on.....................chains on your car don't matter if nobody else has them on theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........I finally made it home an hour later, just barely!!!!!!!!!.......and the state was closed down soon after that........Man, I wouldn't wish that ordeal on my worse enemy...........but then again............just so you car that saved me that day was a 1965 Plymouth Fury 3 .....318CU.....Thank God for that car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........over 18" of snow fell with that storm.............. drifts 4-5 ft..
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Still shivering from memories of that 78 blizzard!!!!!!!!..........hindsight ( which is 20/20).....I would have NEVER left the house that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............I enjoyed having the Boys over yesterday!!! They enjoyed grumpy grandpa as much as I enjoyed them!!!!!!!!!!...........a day I will cherish!!!!!!!!!!!!............Animals are A LOT smarter than us dumb humans give them credit for...........even my squirrels (Skippys) in the back yard.........I even have a red cardinal who answers my call.........for a peanut...............
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TGIF for all you folks that ain't retired yet.....that's a blessing I've been enjoying for 8 plus yrs..........." A Permanent paid vacation"......a blessing many will never see either by death or simply not being able to afford leaving their job...........OH Boy I enjoy every moment I have of being's a gift from God that I cherish EVERY day.....The Boss is just a bonus that I get to enjoy along the way....................Lord Jesus rides with me ................He lets me drive.......................
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Tree guys taking down a dead tree across the street...........between the chain saws and wood nap for this old geezer the leaf blower!!!!!!!!!!
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